• Breast Implants and Augmentation Winnipeg, MB Dr. Islur

Breast Augmentation in Winnipeg, MB

Breast Augmentation is one of the most popular procedures performed by Dr. Avi Islur at The First Glance Aesthetic Clinic & Surgery Centre.

Breast Implants and Natural Fat Transfer are the most popular types of Breast Augmentation designed to give you beautiful, naturally shaped, larger breasts. We also offer advanced surgical procedures such as the Internal Bra for additional long-term support and aesthetic benefits.

Volume, fullness, and more projection can be added to your breasts to improve the overall size, shape, symmetry, and profile of your chest. Subtle or dramatic results can be achieved with all Natural Fat Transfer or Breast Implants. Results are immediate with minimal downtime.

Your Custom Breast Augmentation Treatment Plan

When it comes to aesthetic surgery of any kind, there’s no such thing as one size fits all. Every patient has her own unique surgical needs.

Whether you are interested in a subtle natural look or a dramatic bombshell result, your Breast Augmentation will be fully customized according to your existing anatomy, unique surgical requirements, and desired aesthetic results.

See Your Results Before Surgery

No more “rice bags” or need to stuff bras with implants!  Dr. Avi Islur was the first surgeon across the Prairies and is still one of a few in Canada to offer Crisalix 3D Imaging to his clients – a virtual before and after breast augmentation simulation software that allows you to see your results before surgery! The simulation is performed during your initial consultation and you will receive a copy via email before you leave the clinic so you can share the images with friends/family. While no simulation can be 100% accurate of actual outcomes, the results of the simulation are excellent and eliminate any guess work to how your outcome will look.

Your Breast Augmentation With Dr. Avi Islur

Dr. Avi Islur is a Board Certified Cosmetic & Reconstructive Plastic Surgeon located in Winnipeg, MB. Dr. Avi Islur has trained many other Cosmetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgeons around the world and served as the Chief of Plastic Surgery at the Saint Boniface Hospital and as the Program Director for the Residency Training Program at the University of Manitoba in the past. He is currently an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Medicine at The University of Manitoba.

Dr. Avi Islur is an executive member of the Canadian Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. He is also a member of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and American Society of Plastic Surgeons .

With extensive specialized training and experience in breast reconstruction and cosmetic breast surgery, Dr. Avi Islur can resize and reshape your breasts to achieve the aesthetic results you desire.

Dr. Avi Islur Consultation The First Glance Plastic Surgery Clinic Winnipeg Manitoba

What Type Of Breast Augmentation Is Right For You?

You have two different types of Breast Augmentation procedures to choose from:

Augmentation With Implants

Breast Implants are an excellent choice for a significant increase in breast size (1 to 5 cups).

Augmentation Without Implants

Natural Fat Transfer is an implant-free augmentation technique that uses unwanted fat from areas of your body to subtlety increase the size of your breasts by ¾-1 cup. If you prefer to have a more natural augmentation rather than implants, why not use your unwanted fat from your waist, hips, and thighs to give you fuller, larger, more supple breasts? If you are interested in Breast Augmentation without Implants, learn more here. 

Which Method Is The Most Popular Choice?

Breast Augmentation With Implants is currently the most popular choice at The First Glance Aesthetic Clinic & Surgery Centre.

The top two reasons why most patients choose Breast Augmentation With Implants:

  • Implants offer the ability to significantly increase the size of your breasts.
  • Implants offer a set volume change that will not decrease over time.

Together, you and Dr. Avi Islur will review all of your options in detail to determine which type of breast augmentation is best for you.


When it comes to breast implants, there are a wide range of options available.  All breast implants are made of a highly durable silicone shell and can either be filled with medical grade silicone or saline (sterile salt water).  At present, we only use smooth round breast implants.  Volumes for these implants can range from 100cc/grams to 800 cc/grams.

Desired breast shape and the amount of upper breast fullness can be obtained by the Profile/projection of the implant. Dr. Avi Islur  will discuss your options and suggest the best ones to suit your desired outcome.

Saline Filled

Saline-filled implants offer an alternative to silicone gel-filled implants. These implants have a highly durable silicone shell and are filled sterile in the operating room with saline (saltwater) through a one-way valve. These implants can be filled to a large range of volumes and come in different profiles.

Silicone Gel-Filled

Silicone gel-filled implants are created with a form-stable cohesive gel (aka “gummy-bear”) that will not deflate or change shape.  The newest generation of these devices have a very low leakage and rupture rate and come pre-filled and sterile from the manufacturers.  The amount of gel cohesivity (how the gel can withstand forces) can also be selected from soft to firm and helps determine the overall feel and ability to maintain breast shape changes in the upper part of the breast when standing.   These implants come in a large range of volumes and come in the widest range of profiles available. Silicone is very safe and is the benchmark used for biological compatibility within the human body.

Implant Incision And Position

Your implants can be inserted through your breast crease (inframammary incision) or below your nipple (peri-areolar incision). The breast crease incision is the most common and safest method as it avoids any potential scarring of breast tissue and contamination from breast cysts. Further it maximizes nipple sensation. To keep your incision lines extremely small (3-5 cm depending on the size of the implants selected) Dr. Avi Islur will use a Funnel to insert your implants. A Funnel decreases the size of a traditional incision line by 40 to 60%.

Implant Incision Implant Position Implants can be placed in 1 of 2 anatomic positions – above or below the muscle (pectoralis major muscle). Sub-glandular/Sub-fascial pocket placement is used when placing the implant above the muscle. This is a preferred placement in a patient with a moderate amount of breast tissue and wishing for maximal muscle strength. Dual plane/Sub-muscular pocket placement is the most common pocket chosen for breast augmentation with implants. The Dual-Plane Sub-muscular pocket has the lowest long-term complication rate in terms of capsular contracture, rippling and implant visibility and maximizes breast tissue visibility for mammographic screening. It also results in the most natural appearance of the breast even with larger sizes. However, there is some loss of muscle strength and it is recommended not to work-out the chest muscles frequently following surgery to avoid an “animation deformity”.

Illustration of Incision options for Breast Implants Dr. Avi Islur Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada The First Glance
Illustration for Breast Implant Over the Chest Muscle Dr. Avi Islur Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada The First Glance
Breast Implant Dr. Avi Islur Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada The First Glance

Try our 3D Simulator

Breast implant sizing at The First Glance Clinic is a unique experience not shared elsewhere in Manitoba. We are the only clinic in Manitoba and one of a few clinics in Canada to use the revolutionary virtual simulation software from Crisalix.

Most clinics rely on breast implant sizing using a bra and “implant-sizers” which results in an implant selection generally smaller and less accurate versus the actual outcome. At the time of your consultation, with Crisalix, Dr. Avi Islur will be able to closely and accurately simulate your eventual outcome with computer generated 3D software.

This simulation can be viewed in multiple angles and can simulate all the implants sizes, profiles, and lifts. It also helps Dr. Islur obtain the most accurate sizing if your breasts are of different volumes/sizes. Best of all you can share the images with your partner or friends as you will obtain an email and link with all your images. Due to the nature of the simulation software, we are able to offer this to our patients that reside in other provinces thereby limiting the need for travel.

Length of Surgery

Breast augmentation with implants is performed under general anesthesia in about 1 hour. If combined with a breast lift, the time of surgery can range from 1.5 hours to 2.5 hours.

Recovery Time

After Breast Implant Surgery, you can be up and moving around the day of surgery after the effect of anesthesia has worn off. Dr. Avi Islur will prescribe medication to control any discomfort and antibiotics to reduce any risk of infection. You will notice swelling and, in some instances, mild bruising. You will see an immediate difference in your breast size, but keep in mind you have swelling that needs to subside before your actual size is evident. You will be provided with a compression bra after surgery.

During the first 5 to 10 days bruising and swelling will reach its highest point and begin to subside. You will be allowed to shower the day after surgery and able to return to non-strenuous work after 1 week.  After 2 weeks, you may resume light to moderate exercise and full range of arm movements. You will experience a significant reduction in swelling and the final results will begin to take shape.

  • Plan to take about 4 to 7 days off work for recovery time.
  • Every patient heals at her own pace. You may be able to return to work much earlier than others. However, it’s a good idea to have a few extra days booked off work for recovery time.
  • The length of time to book off work depends on whether your job is physically demanding. Dr. Avi Islur will give you a specific recovery guide at the time of your initial consultation.
  • Doctor notes are available and are very confidential. Your doctor’s note will not indicate the type of surgery you are having.
  • Restrict strenuous aerobic activities, exercise, and heavy lifting for two to six weeks following surgery. Avoid physical activities that increase your heart rate and blood pressure or cause your breasts to move significantly. Dr. Avi Islur will provide you with specific exercise instructions depending on the type of surgery you have had performed.
  • Do not sleep on your chest for 8 weeks and there is no need to massage your breasts following surgery.
  • Your recovery time and post-operative care instructions will be customized to meet your unique needs. Surgical results and recovery instructions may vary.
  • If you are an out-of-province patient, you will have specific follow-up instructions provided to you at the time of your consultation.

Full recovery can take up to 8 weeks but most patients feel they are perfectly fine after 1-2 weeks. It is important to note, everyone is unique and heals at their own pace.

Additional Procedures

Breast implant surgery is often combined with other cosmetic procedures such as tummy tuck surgery, breast lift, and a mommy makeover.

Scheduling Your Breast Augmentation in Winnipeg With Dr. Avi Islur

Most patients like to book well in advance, don’t miss out on your preferred surgery date, call us at (204) 885-1419 to reserve your consultation with Dr. Avi Islur today.

How Do I Prepare For My Initial Consultation?

  • Bring photos that demonstrate your augmentation goals so Dr. Avi Islur can get a clear visual of the look you’re going for.
  • Bring a padded bra that reflects your augmentation goals. During your consultation, you will be able to see, touch, feel, implants that will be similar to the type of bra you are wearing.

Should I Massage My Breast Implants?

Despite its popularity in the past, this is a practice that should remain in the past. Unless otherwise directed by Dr. Islur, massaging your breast implants should not need to be performed. The way you sleep, exercise, and move around daily will move your implants enough that adding external massage should not be performed. Unfortunately, if you massage your breasts implants too early in the healing phase, the precise “hand-in-glove” pocket that was created for you can become loose and big which can result in implant malposition.

Can I Workout My Chest at the Gym?

If your implants have been placed over the muscle, you are free to work out on your chest (pectoralis major) muscle as much as you desire; however, if your implants have been placed under the muscle, it is generally best to avoid strenuous isolated chest days or multiple chest exercises at the gym. It is ok to do 30 push-ups a week or include bench press in your workouts once per week but overdoing isolated chest days can result in the pectoralis major becoming too strong which will result in wider cleavage and potential lateral and downward displacement of the implant. Remember, almost all upper body exercises (biceps, triceps, shoulders etc.) will engage the pec muscle as an accessory stabilizing muscle anyway – these exercises are ok to do.

My Friend Had Breast Implants Somewhere Else and Told Me to Get Bigger Implants Because They Will Look Smaller When I Get Them, Should I be Going Bigger?

In the past, when using implant sizers in a bra typically the results were about 10% smaller than expected; however, with our 3D simulation imaging software, the results you obtain after surgery are very close to your simulated pictures. So if you like what you see on the simulation, stick with those!

Is it Safe to Get Mammograms?

Absolutely! It is very important to get breast mammograms and perform breast screening as breast cancer occurs in 1:8 woman during their lifetime. Despite the compression used in mammograms, breast implants are very durable and will not rupture. Make sure you seek out an appropriate facility that has the technology and expertise to perform special views (Eklund views/distraction views) required to see the breast tissue which lies on top of the implant. As a secondary benefit to the mammogram, your implants will also be visualized to detect any issues with them. An MRI can also be performed if there are concerns with having a mammogram.

Are Breast Implants Right For Me If I Only want Less Than A Cup Size Change?

For changes of this nature, fat grafting is likely the best option; however, you must have an adequate amount of fat on the abdomen or flanks to harvest (liposuction). Small breast implants can be chosen as well, but generally provide more than a 1 cup size increase.

How Will I know If My Breast Implants are Ok?

Breast implants are not a lifetime device. At some point in your lifetime, your implants will likely need replacement or removal depending on your wishes but they can definitely last you longer than 10-12 years. All breast implants come with a lifetime warranty against leakage and rupture. The ability to detect if they have ruptured or leaked depends on the type of implant fill – silicone or saline. With saline implants, the breast size will change immediately if a leakage or rupture has occurred and this will be easily detected. With regards to silicone gel implants, the cohesive nature of the silicone gel is meant to not change shape even with a leakage or rupture hence the name “gummy-bear”. With these implants it is generally recommended that a breast ultrasound be performed 3-5 years after implant placement to look at the integrity of the implant. At the First Glance Clinic, we are the only clinic in Manitoba to offer all of our patients breast ultrasounds at these FDA suggested time points.

How Much Do Breast Implants Cost?

The surgeon you decide to work with is the #1 determining factor on the results you’re going to achieve.

Plastic Surgeons price their procedures according to the quality care and surgical skills they bring to their patients. Seeking out a surgeon based on price often leads to undesirable results, and the problems that come along with it are often complex (and costly) to fix. Ask anyone who has undergone revision surgery, it’s a lot less expensive to get it done right, the first time.

The cost of Breast implant surgery is approximately $9000. Prices may change depending on the type of implant selected and if additional procedures such as a lift, internal bra, or fat grafting are combined with breast augmentation.

An exact quote will be provided after your consultation with Dr. Avi Islur. Quotes are valid for 6 months from the date they are printed. To get an exact quote for your breast implant surgery call Dr. Avi Islur’s Patient Coordinator at the First Glance Aesthetic Clinic & Surgery Centre(204) 885-1419 to reserve your consultation.

Is Financing Available?

Yes, financing is available. We work with a credit company called MediCard that specializes in financing options for cosmetic surgery. To apply for financing, you will contact MediCard directly. It’s easy and fast to apply, you can apply online or over the phone, they approve financing based on your credit history. Once you are approved, you can go forward with securing your surgery date.

You will receive an exact quote for your cosmetic procedure during your consultation with Dr. Avi Islur. If your financing is secured you can book your preferred surgery date right away.

MediCard is not your only option for financing. You can also contact your bank to see if they can offer you lower interest rates.

If you would like to learn more about your financing options, please call one of our Patient Coordinators at (204) 885-1419 for more details.

Your Breast Implant Treatment Plan with Dr. Avi Islur

For your convenience, Dr. Islur has provided answers to the most common questions he hears about breast augmentation. Take a look at our detailed 3-Step Process for Breast Augmentation in Winnipeg, you can also view our FAQ page for more information.

Before and After Photos

Suzanne shared her before and after photos for her Breast Augmentation in Winnipeg with Dr. Avi Islur. You can see more before and after photos during your consultation with Dr. Islur at the First Glance Aesthetic Clinic & Surgery Centre.

How Long Is The Wait For Surgery?

If you have a preferred surgery date, do not wait until it’s too late! Dr. Avi Islur runs a very active cosmetic practice, patients typically book well in advance for consultations and surgery dates. If you have an ideal surgery date in mind, call one of our Patient Coordinators at (204) 885-1419 to reserve your consultation today.

RealTime Video Consultations For Out Of Province Patients

Dr. Avi Islur offers RealTime Video Consultations for Cosmetic Surgery patients who live outside of Manitoba.

Ideally we would like to see you in-person for consultation. However, we understand that this may not be feasible so we offer RealTime Video Consultations for out of town patients.

Your RealTime Video Consultation can take place wherever you have access to a smartphone, an iPad, or computer with a webcam.

Prior to your Video Consultation Dr. Avi Islur’s Patient Coordinator will ask you to: 1) Indicate the procedure you are interested in, 2) Upload photos of your area of concern, 3) Complete the provided medial history form.

During your Video Consultation Dr. Avi Islur and his skilled medical staff will discuss your aesthetic goals in detail. Dr. Avi Islur will evaluate your photos, review your medical history, and discuss your unique surgical requirements to achieve your desired results.

Please Note: Some patient concerns are difficult to assess online. You may be asked to come in for a formal in-person consultation in order to best assess your surgical requirements to give the best possible outcome.

You can join your RealTime Video Consultation from iPhone, Android, PC, Mac, or Linux.

Prior to your consultation you must have access to FaceTime, Skype or WhattsApp.

Call (204) 813-0305 to reserve your RealTime Video Consultation with Dr. Avi Islur

Next Level Results with Dr. Avi Islur at The First Glance Aesthetic Clinic & Surgery Centre

Dr. Avi Islur’s active cosmetic surgery practice is located at the First Glance Aesthetic Clinic & Surgery Centre in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

At The First Glance you have access to Award Winning Board Certified Cosmetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgeons, Nurse Practitioners, Certified Aestheticians, Board Certified Anesthesiologists, Certified Laser Technicians, Cosmetic Nurses, and Professional Patient Coordinators all under one roof. Our expert aesthetic team at The First Glance has been serving patients across Canada and beyond for 20+ years.

We operate with state-of-the-art equipment and work with the safest products on the market to ensure maximum comfort, next level results, and patient safety.

The First Glance is a top rated Fully Accredited Aesthetic Clinic & Surgery Centre. You will enjoy a fully privatized experience from beginning to end at our facility.

Learn About Suzanne’s Breast Augmentation & Surgical Experience With Dr. Avi Islur

Watch this Video below to learn about Suzanne’s surgical experience for Breast Augmentation and Breast Lift with Dr. Avi Islur in Winnipeg, MB. Suzanne talks about everything from preparing for a consultation, choosing a surgeon, recovering, and everything in between. Your surgery will be custom tailored to your unique needs and desired aesthetic results, individual results may vary.

Liz’s Breast Augmentation in Winnipeg With Dr. Avi Islur

Watch this Video to Learn about Liz’s Surgical Experience with Dr. Avi Islur! She talks about everything from preparing for a consultation, choosing a surgeon, recovering, and everything in between.

Breast Implants Dr. Avi Islur Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada The First Glance

Crystal’s Breast Augmentation & Tummy Tuck Transformation With Dr. Avi Islur

Watch this Video to learn about Crystal’s Tummy Tuck and Breast Augmentation with Dr. Avi Islur. In the Video below, she talks about everything from preparing for a consultation, choosing a surgeon, recovering, and everything in between.

Learn about Crystal’s surgical experience with Dr. Avi Islur for her Mommy Makeover which includes Tummy Tuck and Breast Augmentation in Winnipeg. Please note that your surgery will be custom tailored to your unique needs, individual results may vary.

Your Consultation With Dr. Avi Islur

In this video, you’ll discover the benefits of choosing Dr. Avi Islur as your surgeon.

Watch this Video to learn more about your augmentation options with Dr. Avi Islur.

Dr. Avi Islur The First Glance Clinic Winnipeg Manitoba- Front Desk
Our Clinic Staff Dr. Avi Islur The First Glance Plastic Surgery Clinic Winnipeg Manitoba

Our Latest News On Breast Augmentation Surgery

Crystal after her Tummy Tuck surgery Dr. Avi Islur Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada The First Glance

Crystal’s Mommy Makeover With Dr. Avi Islur

Crystal gained over 60 pounds during pregnancy. She worked out to lose the weight, however, her loose skin, stretch marks and the post-pregnancy pot belly shape of her midsection wasn’t improving through diet and exercise alone.
Dr. Islur in a plastic surgery consultation Dr. Avi Islur Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada The First Glance

Your Cosmetic Surgery Consultation With Dr. Avi Islur

Watch this video to learn what you can expect from your cosmetic surgery consultation with Dr. Avi Islur.
Corissa healing from her breast cancer surgery Dr. Avi Islur Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada The First Glance

Corissa’s Breast Reconstruction Story

When Corissa's mammogram revealed that her breast tissue had changed, she decided to take control of her own health, and reached out to Dr. Islur directly.
Breast Augmentation Recovery Dr. Avi Islur Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada The First Glance

Top 3 Tips For A Speedy Breast Augmentation Recovery

One of the things that sets Dr. Islur's practice apart from other surgeons is that he has developed an excellent protocol for breast augmentation recovery.
Breast lift and breast augmentation Dr. Avi Islur Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada The First Glance

Do I Need A Breast Lift, Breast Augmentation Or Both?

As you age, your breasts can lose volume, you may have less cleavage,…
Breast Augmentation Dr. Avi Islur Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada The First Glance

Breast Implants, Before & After Photos

Watch Suzanne as she shares her personal journey through breast augmentation surgery after loosing a substantial amount of weight.

Dedicated to the art of cosmetic and  reconstructive surgery. The pursuit of beauty and restoring one’s self image is within your reach. -Dr. Avi Islur