• Liposuction Winnipeg, MB Dr. Islur

Liposuction & Hi-Def LipoSculpting in Winnipeg, MB

Liposuction is one of the most popular Body Contouring procedures that successfully removes stubborn fat from specific areas of your body.

The most common treatment areas are the tummy, love handles, buttocks, thighs, arms, and back.

Liposuction is often combined with other aesthetic procedures to enhance results; the most common ones are Tummy Tuck, Breast Augmentation, Brazilian Butt Lift, and Breast Lift/Reduction.

The advantage of Liposuction is your stubborn fat cells are removed in one treatment, and all of the fat cells removed at the time of your surgery are gone forever.

Liposuction is a procedure that is performed under general anesthetic and can take anywhere from 1 to 4 hours.

Your Liposuction Surgery With Dr. Avi Islur

Dr. Avi Islur is a Board Certified Cosmetic & Reconstructive Plastic Surgeon located in Winnipeg, MB. Dr. Avi Islur has trained many other Cosmetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgeons around the world and served as the Chief of Plastic Surgery at the Saint Boniface Hospital and as the Program Director for the Residency Training Program at the University of Manitoba in the past. He is currently an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Medicine at The University of Manitoba.

Dr. Avi Islur is an executive member of the Canadian Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. He is also a member of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and American Society of Plastic Surgeons

With extensive specialized training and experience in body contouring, Dr. Avi Islur can tighten and tone targeted areas to achieve the aesthetic results you desire.

Dr. Avi Islur Consultation The First Glance Plastic Surgery Clinic Winnipeg Manitoba

How is Liposuction Performed?

Liposuction is performed to define, sculpt and re-define your body contour by removing unwanted fat from your body. Liposuction is a popular procedure for women and men who want to sculpt and define specific areas of their body and take their fitness results to the next level. This procedure is performed through the use of small incisions made in inconspicuous or “hidden” areas on your body. A small thin cannula is then used to suction the unwanted fat.

  • Liposuction creates a more balanced silhouette and appearance.
  • Ideal candidates are those in good medical health who maintain a healthy/active lifestyle with hard to lose body fat in specific locations.
  • Liposuction is not a weight loss technique.
  • Liposuction will only tighten your skin by 10%, therefore those with moderate or excess loose skin or numerous stretch marks (Striae) may not be good candidates.
  • Liposuction surgery is performed under either local anesthetic with IV sedation or general anesthetic in 1-4 hours depending on the areas treated.
  • BodyTite a radio-frequency energy device by Inmode, can also be performed at the same time as liposuction to help tighten the skin a further 30-35% for those with mild skin laxity and therefore avoid loose skin after liposuction.
  • LipoSculpting (Hi-Def Lipo) can take this even further by sculpting and enhancing your muscle definition and take your fitness results to the next level.

Areas Treated Include but are not limited to: Abdomen, Love handles, Back, Chest, Thighs, Hips, Calves, and Buttocks

Results are generally seen 3 to 6 months after surgery as there can be some swelling in the treated areas immediately after surgery. Optimal results occur when a healthy lifestyle is maintained and weight is maintained. Weight gain may alter the results. Your liposuction surgery will be custom tailored to your unique needs, individual results may vary.

Your procedure will take place at Dr. Avi Islur’s state of the art cosmetic surgery centre, The First Glance Aesthetic Clinic & Surgery Centre in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

What Makes Liposuction with Dr. Islur Different?

Expertise and having the right technology are the two most important factors to consider when seeking out a Liposuction surgeon.

Liposuction is probably the single operative procedure taught to plastic surgeons that has the highest learning curve to provide patients with reproducible, high-quality outcomes with a low risk of contour irregularities. As the only surgical center in Manitoba and the Prairies that offers Power-assisted SAFE Liposuction and BodyTite/FaceTite, Dr. Avi Islur is highly trained and qualified to provide you with the results you desire.

Along with the technology, Dr. Avi Islur has gained additional training in Hi-Definition Liposuction – a procedure where etching and increased definition of the muscle shadows and edges is performed for those individuals looking for a leaner “cut” look.

Additional Procedures

Liposuction is commonly performed with other cosmetic procedures such as Tummy Tuck, Breast Augmentation, Brazilian Butt Lift, Mommy Makeover, and Body Contouring after Weight Loss procedures.

What Areas the Can be Treated with Liposuction?

Thanks to all the different Liposuction techniques, virtually any area of the body can be treated. From the neck all the way down to the calves, Liposuction helps to sculpt, contour, and add more definition.

Who is a Proper Candidate for Liposuction?

It is essential to realize that Liposuction is not a short-cut for weight loss. Healthy eating and exercise are still very important to incorporate into your lifestyle. The goal of Liposuction is not to lose weight, but to improve the body’s shape. Liposuction is not an effective treatment for cellulite and is should not be in areas with saggy, loose, or wrinkled skin.

You need to be in good health, at a stable weight and have specific realistic goals for the improvement of your contour.

I’ve Heard You Can Put on Fat in Weird Locations after Liposuction if you Gain Weight?

Although we recommend having liposuction when you have obtained your goal weight, let’s face it – weight fluctuations do occur. Unlike diet and exercise which results in shrinking of the fat cells (not removal), liposuction physically removes the fat cells from the body thereby decreasing the fat cells in the locations treated. This means that if weight gain does occur, the amount of weight gain required to see changes in these locations is substantially more than that required in other areas not treated.

Therefore, you don’t put on weight in weird locations, it’s just that you typically didn’t notice weight gain in those areas as it was masked by the areas above or below it that were likely treated with liposuction.

What Happens to Fat from Liposuction and is it Different than Weight Loss from Exercise or Diet?

There are only a few ways to reduce the number/volume of fat cells in your body – liposuction (physical removal of fat) or lipolysis (rupture of the fat cells) from cold (CoolSculpting) or heat. Unlike diet and exercise which results in shrinking of the size of the fat cells (not removal),  liposuction physically removes the fat cells from the body thereby decreasing the fat cells in the locations treated. The number of fat cells in this area does not come back but they can increase in size.

What is the Most Amount of Fat I Can Have Removed?

5 litres of fat is the most we can remove in a single out-patient day surgery operation. This is due to the significant changes in the way in which your body handles the excess fluid that is added and generated after liposuction. This occurs for a few days after liposuction. Further liposuction can be performed in the future.

Who is a Good Candidate for Hi-Def Liposuction?

Hi-Definition liposuction is best performed in those patients looking for a well-defined, cut look. In the operation, liposuction is performed along and between muscles in order to etch and define the shadows and valleys that naturally occur between muscles.  Most patients will be fit and have a good workout regimen consisting of both strength training and cardio with a body fat percentage of less than 10-15%. After surgery, it is imperative for these patients to wear a compression garment and the surgical foam provided for 6 weeks, undergo lymphatic massage for several weeks and continue working out to obtain the best possible outcome.

What is Recovery Like After Liposuction?

After Liposuction, you can expect to be swollen, bruised, and have some discomfort in the areas treated.

Although an immediate improvement in contour will be visualized, the final result will generally be seen at 6 months after the majority of the swelling has resolved.

You will be given a compression garment to wear after surgery. Compression is generally recommended for 3-6 weeks after surgery. To further enhance you your outcome, Dr. Avi Islur will generally recommend having lymphatic and deep tissue massage to the areas treated starting soon after surgery and continued weekly for several weeks. The First Glance Clinic works closely with several massage therapists and can make recommendations for therapists for you to see.

You can return to work and daily activities generally 4 to 7 days after your procedure. Return to work will vary based on the areas treated. Strenuous activity, heavy lifting, and vigorous exercise should be avoided for 2 to 3 weeks.

How Long Is The Wait For Surgery?

If you have a preferred surgery date, do not wait until it’s too late! Dr. Avi Islur is one of the busiest and most sought after plastic surgeons across Canada, he runs a very active cosmetic practice. Patients typically book well in advance for consultations and surgery dates.

On average, the wait time is about two months from the time of your consultation.

If you have a preferred surgery date, don’t wait until it’s too late. Call (204) 885-1419 and speak to one of our Patient Coordinators to reserve your consultation today

How Much Does Liposuction Cost?

Liposuction starts at $3,500. The exact cost of your liposuction surgery depends on the extent of your procedure and how many areas you choose to correct. Everyone’s surgery is personalized according to their desired aesthetic results and unique surgical requirements.

An exact quote will be provided after your consultation with Dr. Avi Islur. Quotes are valid for 6 months from the date they are printed. To get an exact quote for your liposuction surgery call Dr. Avi Islur’s Patient Coordinator at the First Glance Aesthetic Clinic & Surgery Centre (204) 885-1419 to reserve your consultation.

Is Financing Available?

Yes, financing is available. We work with a credit company called MediCard that specializes in financing options for cosmetic surgery. To apply for financing, you will contact MediCard directly. It’s easy and fast to apply, you can apply online or over the phone, they approve financing based on your credit history. Once you are approved, you can go forward with securing your surgery date.

You will receive an exact quote for your cosmetic procedure during your consultation with Dr. Avi Islur. If your financing is secured you can book your preferred surgery date right away.

MediCard is not your only option for financing. You can also contact your bank to see if they can offer you lower interest rates.

If you would like to learn more about your financing options, please call one of our Patient Coordinators at (204) 885-1419 for more details.

Out Of Province Patients

Dr. Avi Islur’s active cosmetic surgery practice is growing with out of province patients who travel across Canada for Liposuction in Winnipeg, MB. If you are an out of province patient, please let us know so we can accommodate an appropriate time for your consultation and surgery date.

RealTime Video consultations are available for patients who live outside of Manitoba.

We ask Liposuction patients to stay in Winnipeg, MB for 3 days. This will be discussed in detail during your Video Consultation with Dr. Avi Islur.

Most patients like to book well in advance, don’t miss out on your preferred surgery date, call 204-885-1419 to reserve your consultation today.

What to Expect Before + After Your Liposuction Surgery

At your consultation, Dr. Avi Islur will spend as much time as you need to discuss your liposuction surgery and will answer all of your questions. For your convenience, Dr. Avi Islur has provided answers to the most common questions he hears about liposuction on our FAQ page. Please note that liposuction is custom tailored to each patient, individual results may vary.

5-Phase Process

Get a bird’s eye view of what you can expect pre and post surgery.

Consult with Dr. Avi Islur Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada The First Glance


Dr. Avi Islur’s active cosmetic surgery practice is located at the First Glance Aesthetic Clinic & Surgery Centre in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

At The First Glance you have access to Award Winning Board Certified Cosmetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgeons, Nurse Practitioners, Certified Aestheticians, Board Certified Anesthesiologists, Certified Laser Technicians, Cosmetic Nurses, and Professional Patient Coordinators all under one roof. Our expert aesthetic team at The First Glance has been serving patients across Canada and beyond for 20+ years.

We operate with state-of-the-art equipment and work with the safest products on the market to ensure maximum comfort, next level results, and patient safety.

The First Glance is a top rated Fully Accredited Aesthetic Clinic & Surgery Centre. You will enjoy a fully privatized experience from beginning to end at our facility.

  • Dr. Avi Islur The First Glance Clinic Winnipeg Manitoba- Front Desk
  • Our Clinic Staff Dr. Avi Islur The First Glance Plastic Surgery Clinic Winnipeg Manitoba

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Dedicated to the art of cosmetic and  reconstructive surgery. The pursuit of beauty and restoring one’s self image is within your reach. -Dr. Avi Islur